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Murray County Lake - deceased/sick birds


Numerous Murray County lakes have reported deceased or sick birds on or around county lakes. The MN DNR Wildlife Manager advises not to touch these birds, and to keep domestic animals clear of deceased birds. A specimen has been sent for testing to determine the cause of death. Once the MN DNR has the test results, they will follow up with more information. This has affected several counties in SW MN, as well as South Dakota, and states to our south.

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Service Line Inventory


The City of Fulda has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at you may also contact us at Fulda City Hall (507-425-2504). To complete the service line inventory of our system, a mass mailing was completed in July 2024. As of 10/1/2024, our inventory contains 1 lead, 7 galvanized requiring replacement, 189 unknown material, and 416 non-lead service lines.

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The Fulda Area Lakes Trails Group has a vision and a mission.


From walking with friends on a sidewalk free of impediments to a family enjoying a biking outing, the Group’s objective is to have hard-surfaced paths for walking, running and biking along U.S. 59 and in other areas in and around Fulda.

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Will it Flush?


Watch this YouTube video about how things break down (or don't break down) in a sewer system.

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